Video Game Nexus is a place for people to upload, play, share, and discuss javascript-based web games. It features customizable user profiles, tagging & voting systems, a community forum, and live in-game chatrooms.
Technologies used: React, Node, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, Passport, Socket.io, Moment, Formidable, Axios, Adobe Illustrator (logos).

Art Collective is a CRUD website for making multimedia collectives. Users can create and join art collectives, contribute text/images/audio to collectives, and comment on each other’s submissions.
Technologies used: Handlebars, Node, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, JawsDB, Passport.

Scrapedit is an article scraper for reddit.com which allows users to target any subreddit, browse and view posts, and save notes for each post.
Technologies used: MongoDB, Cheerio, Express, Node, Axios.

LIRI-bot is a Node command-line application for showcasing API calls. It allows users to search for songs through the Spotify API, musicians through the BandsinTown API, and movies through the OMDB API.
Technologies used: Node, Inquirer, Moment, Dotenv, Request, fs.

Train Time is a mock train schedule that utilizes a form to populate a table of trains which features calculated arrival times and a Firebase Realtime Database.
Technologies used: Bootstrap, Moment, Google Firebase.

Hangman's Dungeon is a javascript hangman game featuring keyboard controls, music, and sound effects!
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Dueling Cards is a javascript battling card game in which your character grows progressively stronger with each batttle. Requires a little strategy to beat ;)
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.