I am an accomplished database developer and musician seeking employment as a full-stack web developer. I love composing memorable user experiences built on robust and scalable foundations. My passion for creative expression, working as part of an ensemble, and solving problems will make me
an asset to any team.

Video Game Nexus is a place for people to upload, play, share, and discuss javascript-based web games. It features customizable user profiles, tagging & voting systems, a community forum, and live in-game chatrooms.

Technologies used: React, Node, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, Passport, Socket.io, Moment, Formidable, Axios, Adobe Illustrator (logos).

Art Collective is a CRUD website for making multimedia collectives. Users can create and join art collectives, contribute text/images/audio to collectives, and comment on each other’s submissions.

Technologies used: Handlebars, Node, Express, MySQL, Sequelize, JawsDB, Passport.

Scrapedit is an article scraper for reddit.com which allows users to target any subreddit, browse and view posts, and save notes for each post.

Technologies used: MongoDB, Cheerio, Express, Node, Axios.

LIRI-bot is a Node command-line application for showcasing API calls. It allows users to search for songs through the Spotify API, musicians through the BandsinTown API, and movies through the OMDB API.

Technologies used: Node, Inquirer, Moment, Dotenv, Request, fs.

Train Time is a mock train schedule that utilizes a form to populate a table of trains which features calculated arrival times and a Firebase Realtime Database.

Technologies used: Bootstrap, Moment, Google Firebase.

Hangman's Dungeon is a javascript hangman game featuring keyboard controls, music, and sound effects!

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Dueling Cards is a javascript battling card game in which your character grows progressively stronger with each batttle. Requires a little strategy to beat ;)

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Monty Python Trivia Game is based on the Bridge of Death from Monty Python and the Holy Grail...answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side ye see!

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript.

Giffy Search allows users to create reusable buttons and query the GIPHY API for gifs. Click each gif to turn animations on and off.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX.
